
我極少吃零食,最近吃了以上菜片。事緣上年我吃過一包美國帶來的菜片如下,覺得幾好吃,牌子是 Trader Joe's,那些不是薯片,是芋頭片、蕃薯片、紅菜頭片等等。這牌子在港沒有出售,或者在甚麼小店有售我不知道。我看看兩間超級市場,發現有售另一美國牌子的相類似貨品。這包 Terrachips 明顯不及 Trader Joe's,味道比較咸(或者因為不是原味),質地有點過硬,不是恰到好處的脆,失敗!

Gayping - Trader Joe's is a grocery store in U.S. You can only find their brand products in their stores. You won't be able to find their products in HK unless they open a store there. I ate the Terra chips before, but I am not sure that I ate the Trader Joe's one.
Benjamin - 我都好似食過 terra... 不過連味道都唔記得 lu...
