

我沒有讀過這本書,只是看過原英文版簡介 - http://www.naturalnews.com/022578_cancer_cancer_cells_disease.html


Since the body's original genetic design always favors the preservation of life and protection against adversities of any kind, why would the body permit self-destruction?

It is a medical fact that every person has cancer cells in the body all the time. These cancer cells remain undetectable through standard tests until they have multiplied to several billion. When doctors announce to their cancer patients that the treatments they prescribed had successfully eliminated all cancer cells, they merely refer to tests that are able to identify the detectable number of cancerous cells. Standard cancer treatments may lower the number of cancer cells to an undetectable level, but this certainly cannot eradicate all cancer cells. As long as the causes of tumor growth remain intact, cancer may redevelop at any time and at any rate.

The truth is, relatively few cancers actually become "terminal." However, once diagnosed, the vast majority of all cancers are never even given a chance to disappear on their own. They are promptly targeted with an arsenal of deadly weapons of cell destruction such as chemotherapy drugs, radiation and the surgical knife. The problem with cancer patients is that, terrified by the diagnosis, they submit their bodies to all these cut/burn/poison procedures that, more likely than not, lead them to the day of final sentencing, "We have to tell you with our deepest regret there is nothing more that can be done to help you."

Each year, hundreds of thousands of people who were once "successfully" treated for cancer die from infections, heart attacks, liver failure, kidney failure and other illnesses because the cancer treatments generate a massive amount of inflammation and destruction in the organs and systems of the body. Of course, these causes of death are not being attributed to cancer. This statistical omission makes it appear we are making progress in the war against cancer. However, many more people are dying from the treatment of cancer than from cancer. A real cure for cancer is achievable only when the causes of excessive growth of cancer cells have been removed or stopped.

用化療、電療、手術切除等方法,醫番好都殘廢,而且事實上只是治標不治本,根本沒有 "醫番好"。


聖因 - 2009-08-06 23:57 
其實(病)只是一個對人體有不舒服,或顯現一些變異時的統稱,其問題不在於是不是 - 病,而是如何把身體的劣況扭轉為良,才是最重要。現今的西洋醫學都是靠葯物止痛和抑制為之〔治〕,所以很多求醫看病的人,未能得到徹底根治而成為長期病患者,又或是因沒有正確治療效方而令身體每況越下,日漸惡劣,甚至最終不治。其之所以令人體產生不適和病變,原因是體內的酸鹼不平衡、因體弱而無法排走過多的水份而積聚在五臟內、毒素的囤積等等,因而沒有良好的內環璄給人體細胞生存而失去正常體內運作,猶如我們生活在重工業區裏,每吸入的空氣都沾滿化學原素或含大量二氧化炭,不需數年,身體自然出毛病;同樣地,體內環境惡劣,細胞也無法生存而開始形成各種重病來;最簡單的輕病-傷風,就因細胞不健康而無法產生抗體打走外來旳病菌而得病,所以體質好的人有自我本能抗體不易感冒。欲想多知這方面的資料,有一本書是台灣醫學博士張家瑞著的,叫〔不生病之真法〕除了寫他的個人臨牀經驗外,亦詳盡闡釋病是如何得?如何治?還在書中引述許多不同國家,不同時代的過去學者,所倡的醫學正見。
  • River - 多謝意見,我會找找〔不生病之真法〕一書來看。
Chris - 我覺得癌症的成因除了是身心靈出問題之外,另外一個原因是食物出了問題 !   現今大多數食物都是大量生產出來,用各式各樣非天然方法製造出來,我相信當中一定有些食物長期食用對身體有害,只不過目前未有足夠數據去證明 !
  • River - 身心靈出問題的身,即肉體,就包括因為吃了不良食物而出問題。
阿德 - 有些癌症是由輻射引起,好像是居里夫人。據聞不少常常接觸 X-光 機的醫生護士會因生癌而死。另外還有那些高壓電塔、無線電波和不少食物化學加工材料...身體真係咁醒識全部痊癒?
  • River - 根據英文版簡介,佢沒有說身體識得全部痊癒,主要是說不要治標不治本,指出癌腫瘤是身體最後的自衛反應,腫瘤本身不是病,毒佢電佢割佢是好人當賊辦。
